Volunteer Opportunities
Our programs would not be nearly as successful as they are without our volunteers. These individuals donate their time, talent and effort so that our Leavenworth County extension programs can excel. Each of our program areas have volunteer opportunities.
Want to volunteer? Here's how
Extension Council Volunteer
- The local Extension program is guided by the Extension Council comprised of Program Development Committees (PDC) for the four program areas: Agriculture/Natural Resources, Family & Consumer Sciences, 4-H Youth Development and Community Development.
- The members of these committees are elected once a year during Leavenworth County Fair according to the Kansas Extension Council law.
4-H Youth Development Volunteer
- The Leavenworth County 4-H Youth Development program depends on volunteers to help youth grow and develop in 4-H through
- Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
- Self-Discipline, Integrity and Communication
- Serving Others
- Choosing Healthy Lifestyles
- Although most people think that 4-H volunteers work with 4-H members, this isn't always the case. A person or group may volunteer for 4-H by assisting Extension staff, other 4-H adult volunteers, by working on special projects, or by helping at the fair, camp, school enrichment or other events. 4-H volunteers may work in their home, at the Extension office, at a camp or fairgrounds, or almost anywhere.
Master Food Volunteers (MFV)
- MFVs are passionate about food, promoting good health and giving back to their communities. Trainees who complete the program requirements become part of a special volunteer team, and participate in various activities of their choosing.
Master Gardener Volunteer
- Master Gardeners come from all walks of life but their common bond is a love of gardening and sharing information throughout the community. Master Gardeners receive a basic training in the disciplines of horticulture. They then volunteer in projects to help Extension promote its educational mission.