Join the Club

Raising great kids is a challenging task, but it's easier when you have a team of people behind you. 4-H Clubs are groups of families that do just that. Through working together, families share knowledge and interests to help kids learn practical skills and important values. 4-H is the network of families that grows great kids.

Age For Membership

4-H membership is open to all boys and girls who are 7 years of age and have not passed their 19th birthday by January 1 of the current year.

Youth ages 5 and 6 can join as Cloverbuds . This link provides great Cloverbud information but you still need to enroll online (no paper enrollment accepted).

When to Join

The 4-H program year runs from October - September, however youth can join any time during the year. Most 4-H'ers start in the fall to keep up on project lessons, activities, and make themselves eligible for 4-H awards and activities that have deadline dates.

What does it cost to join 4-H?

Beginning with the 2017-2018 4-H year, Kansas 4-H Youth Development asked families to invest in the present and future of the program. With a $15 annual program-enrollment fee, each child will have access to a wide array of development opportunities at the local, regional, and state levels. These structured, hands-on, relevant educational programs will continue the tradition and history of Kansas 4-H in building skills, confidence, and experiences that 4-H youth will carry with them for the rest of their lives. For 4-Hers enrolled in the Cloverbud project, there is no fee.

Where are the 4-H Clubs in Leavenworth County?

Leavenworth County has a number of community clubs and project clubs that meet at different times and places. We suggest you visit several clubs and find the one that best fits your family's schedule and interests.

View i nstructions to re-enroll in an existing 4-H Online Account OR to create a new 4-H Online Account


All community & project club meetings are now face-to-face.

Please follow the safety protocols of social distancing,

wearing masks, & using hand sanitizer.


Community Clubs

Basehor Rustlers

1st Monday 7:00 pm VFW Hall, Basehor


2nd Sunday 6:00 pm St Joseph of the Valley Church Hall, Easton


2nd Monday 7:00 pm Boling Grange Hall, Leavenworth


2nd Sunday 6:00 pm VFW Hall, Basehor

Grown Right

1st Sunday 4:00 pm 4-H (Brown) Building, Tonganoxie

Happy Helpers

2nd Wednesday 7:00 pm 4-H (Brown) Building, Tonganoxie

Happy Hollow

1st Sunday 5:00 pm Pleasant Ridge Elementary, Easton


2nd Monday 6:30 pm Jarbalo Community Bible Church, Jarbalo

Reno Bobwhites

1st Thursday 7:00 pm 4-H (Brown) Building, Tonganoxie

Cloverbuds meet at 6:30 pm

Stranger Creek

1st Sunday 5:30 pm Easton Township Fire Station, Easton

Project Clubs

LV CO Bucket Calf

Contact the Bucket Calf Superintendent for meeting information.

Please Note: You cannot join 4-H through this club.

LV CO Cattle Club

2nd Thursday 6:30 pm - All beef & dairy project members welcome!

Contact Project Leader, Shannon Reischman, for location details.

LV CO Dogs R Us

Classes for the Dog Care & Training project begin in January each year and will only be offered once. Complete your 4-H online enrollment now to be insured you receive all the information via email and do not miss any classes. Vaccinations required to begin class.

LV CO Goat Club

3rd Tuesday 6:00 pm 4-H (Brown) Building, Tonganoxie

LV CO Horse Club

3rd Wednesday 7:00 pm 4-H (Brown) Building, Tonganoxie


Contact Project Leader, Kelley Chance, for meeting details.

LV CO Poultry Club

4th Thursday 6:00 pm 4-H (Brown) Building, Tonganoxie

Please Note: You cannot join 4-H through this club.

LV CO Rabbit Club

3rd Tuesday 6:00 pm 4-H (Brown) Building, Tonganoxie

Please Note: You cannot join 4-H through this club.

LV CO Shooting Sports

Any 4-Her who has joined the shooting sports project and needs the basic safety class will need to contact the Shooting Sports Coordinator, Alan Mohan.

cloverHow do I get started?

Scroll down this page to learn about 4-H Clubs in Leavenworth County.

Find enrollment information for youth (and adult volunteers) here .

What projects should I take?

The Project Selection Guide (updated Oct. 2023) is your road-map to your 4-H journey! Use it to plan your exciting 4-H adventure!

Need more information?

Join 4-H or re-enroll HERE via Kansas 4-H Online

Contact Sonya Murphy

4-H Youth Development Agent