County Extension Council

The local Extension program is guided by the Extension Council comprised of Program Development Committees (PDC) for the four program areas: Agriculture/Natural Resources, Family & Consumer Sciences, 4-H Youth Development and Community Vitality. The members of these committees are elected according to the Kansas Extension Council law .

The Extension Council represents the citizens of Leavenworth County, Kansas. They are the “voice” of the community, giving the agents feedback and guidance on local programs. The Council is made up of business people, community leaders, farmers, home makers, teachers, and others who have an interest in Extension.

If you would be interested in serving on the Extension Council, please contact an Extension staff member or any of the current Council members for more information. You will need to complete the Consent to Nominate form and return it to the Extension Office. Leavenworth County conducts the Extension Council election at the time of the Leavenworth County Fair.

Leavenworth County Extension Council members are:

Agriculture/Natural Resources: Jill DeGraeve; Blaine Schuetz; Steve Buffo; Julie Schuetz; Austin Reynolds; David Todd

Family & Consumer Sciences: Pam BeMent; Melissa Ahlquist; Cindy McGuire; Carry Suchy; Heather Wise; Jacob Thomas

4-H Youth Development: Heather Green; Heidi Zenger; Amber Bolin; Becky Eastburn; Tanya Douthit; Paula Blizzard

Community Vitality: Paige Kenton; Trent Peter; LouAnn Proctor; Hannah Bailey; Candy Dials; Dr. Leo Becker

The Extension Council Executive Board provides oversight to the total Extension program. The 9 member board is elected from the 24 member Extension Council.

2024 Extension Council Executive Board:

David Todd, Chairman

Austin Reynolds, Vice-Chairman

Paula Blizzard, Secretary

Blaine Schuetz, Treasurer

Board Members: David Todd; Jill DeGraeve; Austin Reynolds; Blaine Schuetz; Melissa Ahlquist; Jacob Thomas; Tanya Douthit; Paula Blizzard; Trent Peter

Link to Resources for Council and Board Members