4-H Youth Development

clover4-H is a nationwide program led by state land-grant universities in cooperation with local county/district extension councils. In Kansas, 4-H is the largest youth educational program, aside from public schools. Each of the four H's on the clover represent ways youth can grow and develop in 4-H:

Head: critical thinking, problem solving;
Heart: self-discipline, integrity, communication;
Hands: serving others; and
Health: choosing healthy lifestyles.

In 4-H, youth have fun with a purpose!

View National 4-H Council

View Kansas 4H

Meeting graphic


The regular meeting of the Livewires 4-H Club was called to order at 7:00pm on 9/9/24. Corbin and Croix led the pledges. The roll call was “age to be stuck at.” The welcoming and introduction of guests was completed. The minutes were read and approved. The treasurer’s report was $1,837.81. The leaders report was about Leah’s wedding, and record books. There was no old business. There was 4-H Sunday and enrollment under new business. The program was officer elections, new officers were elected and will be installed at the October meeting. Junior Officers will be voted on next month. Recreation was wiffle ball lead by James.

By: Wyatt Marshall


The Reno Bobwhites 4-H meeting took place on Thursday, February 6. Before the meeting started we had a really cute Valentines candy house Cloverbud activity. After we went over the pledge and reports, we celebrated the 4-Hers birthdays in the month of February. After the birthdays we listened to an awesome very interesting presentation on how to weld by Abigail Marah. We also learned how to make these yummy Valentines day cookies in a jar from Jack Davison. After the awesome presentations we went over the Reno Bobwhites constitution and bylaws. After the meeting was adjourned we had snacks and refreshment.

Reporter - Veda Alvarez


Happy Helpers 4-H Club

Happy Helpers met on Nov. 13 at the Leavenworth County Fairgrounds. Members gathered at 6:30 p.m. to make autumn decorations for Vintage Park in Tonganoxie. The parent financial committee met at the same time. The regular meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by President Lucien Brockhoff. Beau Riley and Landon Lynn led the pledges. The Roll call was answered by members’ favorite Thanksgiving food. Guests and new members were welcomed. The minutes were read and approved, and the secretary read a thank you note. The treasurer reported the club’s savings and checking account balances. County Council representative Landon Lynn said Club Day will be Feb. 2. Club leader Stephanie Shupe encouraged members to get enrolled by Nov. 30. There was no old business. In new business, the club voted to go caroling at Vintage Park and have a candy bar exchange at our December meeting, shop for Adopt-a-Family and senior citizens, have a winter activity at The Rush Funplex, participate in Club Day with a model meeting and send the club’s charter to be displayed at the extension office. Eliza Brockhoff gave a talk on her State’s 4-H International Exchange trip experience in Norway. Recreation Leader Emma Lasher led the club in playing Wax Museum. Colton Riley led the club in singing “Happy Birthday” to members with November birthdays. The club also sang the Turkey Hokey Pokey and Albuquerque Turkey. Eliza gave a parliamentary tip about making a motion. Lashers provided refreshments. The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Happy Helpers will meet at 6:15 p.m. on Dec. 11 at Vintage Park to go caroling, then go to the fairgrounds for our December meeting at 7 p.m.

Submitted by Reporter Beau Riley


Reporter’s Report Basehor Rustlers Feb. 17th, 2025
Basehor Rustler’s monthly 4-H meeting took place on February 17, 2025. The meeting was called to order by president Milam Strick. We discussed changing our meeting dates to the 1st Monday of each month. The motion was moved and seconded. Basehor Rustlers Club will now meet on the first Monday of every month. Our club won county club day for our model meeting so we will be going to regionals in Atchison. We also talked about a spring fundraiser for our club. Madilyn Stick led us in the song, “Happy If You Know It”. Lastly, we had two programs: James did a talk on chickens and Ester did a talk on food and nutrition. Rapisardas provided the refreshments. -- Lucy Lindholm, Reporter


The regular monthly meeting of the Boling 4-H club was held on November 11th at 7 pm. We started the meeting by citing the flag salute and 4-H pledge. We then went into officer reports. We had no unfinished business. For new business we moved to adopt a child for our Christmas outreach and the budget for that will be $375. We also moved to design a new club shirt. For the program we had a demonstration by Mitchell Waters.

– Dayton Bollin, Reporter


The Dog R Us September Business Meeting was called to order on 9/15/24. Leaders report: We have all improved with our dogs since we first started and if you are doing the dog project next year you need to sign up now. There was no old business. New business: it was moved and second to have a Christmas party. It was amended that we have doggy games and snacks from each family. Talks: was about how to groom your dog. The meeting was moved and second for adjournment. The meeting was adjourned.


The Leavenworth County Goat Club held a meeting on February 25, 2025. The club voted on 3 t-shirt designs for this year’s fundraiser shirt. Annelise Schuetz' design won the vote. We discussed different fundraiser ideas which are bowling, bake sale, and the firework stand. Please remember that we need members to help with these, and we also need sponsors. The fundraisers and sponsors pay for all the awards that are given at the fair. Remember tagging is Sunday May 4th at the fairgrounds. Carrie did the program for the night about goat feces and what you need for a medicine box. Please watch for more information from Carrie about fundraisers.

The next meeting will be on March 18, 2025.

Caden Guthrie - 2024/2025 Reporter


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4-H Youth Development Agent

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